How to reduce swelling after liposuction with Manual lymphatic drainage and deep oscillation.

The swelling experienced after surgeries like liposuction is a natural and necessary healing response.  However, after procedures like liposuction the swelling can be extensive, uncomfortable and sometimes painful.  It will eventually reduce but having Manual Lymphatic drainage with a properly qualified therapist will not only reduce the swelling, but it will help to improve the final result. 

Swelling that lingers too long can allow the formation of scar tissue and fibrosis so it is important to do what you can to control it. 

Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Liposuction.

After your surgery you will feel numb, painful, tired and you wont want anyone going near your body let alone face a massage!  Manual Lymphatic Drainage is different.  It is not like a traditional massage.  There is very little pressure used on your body, there are no oils, it is gentle and soothing and can be performed just a few days after your surgery.  In fact, the sooner the better!

Manual Lymphatic Drainage gently moves excess fluid from the place that has received liposuction to areas such as the armpit and the groin where it can drain in to lymph nodes and back into the circulatory system.  It is painless and relaxing.

Deep oscillation and Liposuction.

Deep oscillation electrostatic lymph drainage is a treatment that compliments and enhances Manual Lymphatic Drainage.  The Deep Oscillation machine removes fluid even quicker than Manual Lymphatic Drainage alone with the added bonus of stimulating regeneration and healing.  This means that you will need fewer therapy sessions than if you were to receive Manual Lymphatic Drainage on its own.  Deep oscillation is applied through the therapist’s gloved hands using minimal pressure.  The electrostatic pulse goes down up to 8cm into the tissue, stimulating lymphatic flow in deeper vessels giving you maximum impact with minimal pressure.

This treatment is totally painless and actually reduces pain both during the treatment and for up to 2-3 days after. Check out the amazing results below.

How many Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Deep Oscillation Treatments will I need?

Everyone recovers differently so treatments and the number of treatments do vary slightly.  Generally, a basic recommendation would be around 10-15 sessions over a 3-4 month period after your liposuction surgery. 

Ideally you would have at least 5 sessions booked for the 3 week period immediately after your surgery.  Book these when you get the dates for your surgery as part of your planned after care.

Book your Post Surgery Treatment here

Can I have Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Deep Oscillation after flying home if my liposuction has been abroad?

Yes you can, in fact it may be even more important to have a treatment booked in after your flight as you may experience increase swelling and discomfort as a result of travelling.

Does Manual Lymphatic Drainage reduce swelling?

This is a before and after picture of a client who has had liposuction to her stomach and sides.  After just 1 treatment the results speak for themselves.

The results of 50 minutes Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Deep osscilation