Oncology massage is a specialised massage for those who are receiving or have recently received treatment for cancer. The goal of the massage is to help reduce stress on the body and the mind through considered, gentle and compassionate touch.
It is not the same as normal massage as modifications are made to techniques, positioning and duration in accordance to how you and your body are feeling at the time. The massage will aid your recovery and leave you feeling relieved, relaxed and peaceful.
Yes. It was previously thought that massage could aid the spread of cancer but research has shown that this is not true. Adaptions may have to be made and there may be times during your cancer journey where massage would not be appropriate at that time dependent on your stage of health. Appointments can be flexible if needed to accommodate illness or fatigue.
End of life care is painful both physically and emotionally patients and their family. Massage at this difficult and sometimes impossible time can alleviate stress and anxiety, reduce pain and offer relief and peace.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss this any aspect of this treatment, please get in touch to arrange an informal chat.