How does Lipoedema affect women’s mental health? A conversation with Spark FM

On 1st June 2023 I met with Daniel Russell from Sunderland University’s Spark FM to talk about Lipoedema.  I had approached Daniel with the idea of speaking on the radio about Lipoedema a few months before and I was over the moon that he immediately recognised the importance of talking about it and raising awareness.  I had sparked Daniel’s interest and we had a great chat about what lipoedema is, the impact of lipoedema on women’s mental health and the importance of early identification and diagnosis of this condition.   

What is Lipoedema?

Lipoedema is a fat and connective tissue disorder occurring in 1 in every 10 women that causes an uneven distribution of altered adipose(fat) in the lower body and arms.  It effects connective tissue and its collogen by causing a laxity or looseness in the areas of the body where Lipoedema is present. 

Symptoms to look out for:

  • Smaller waist and bigger size on the bottom half of the body
  • Granular or lumpy feel under the skin in both legs and possibly arms
  • Lower body does not lose weight in the same way as the upper body
  • Noticeable changes during puberty, pregnancy, after a surgery and menopause
  • Pain and heaviness in the legs
  • Unexplained, frequent bruising
  • Hypermobility
  • Loose stretchy skin
  • Other women in the family have the same shape

If you suffer from Lipoedema or when you look at images of people with the condition, you will often see  that the physical symptoms are very apparent but what is less visible is the effect on mental health.  

How can Lipoedema Affect Mental Heath?

A key finding from survey conducted by Lipoedema UK in 2018 showed that poor mental health was an issue with women with Lipoedema.  This was a result of women…

  • not understanding their bodies,
  • feeling a lack of control
  • having poor self esteem and confidence
  • poor body image
  • feeling frustration, guilt and self blame   

Put your self in the shoes of a young girl.  Think of all the usual challenges of transitioning from childhood to adolescence.  It is time is full of change; moving school, raging hormones, periods, acne, boys! Now add into that the fact that your legs start to get bigger, they start to hurt, you can’t fit into the same clothes your friends are wearing and you don’t know why.  You haven’t changed the way you eat or exercise, so what are you doing wrong???

Women can go on for years asking this question.  More often than not, if and when they do seek help from a GP or medical profession, they are told they have a high BMI and to lose weight.  They are fat shamed which reinforces the already ingrained self-criticism.

Why is early intervention in Lipoedema important?

Early intervention and diagnosis, is vital for young women to avoid the potential anxiety and depression that is driven by the lack of understanding of what is happening to their body and the powerlessness they can feel to help themselves.

The care of women with Lipoedema is sadly limited in both diagnosis rates and the treatments available when a diagnosis is made, however if women and girls can, at the very least, receive recognition and a diagnosis we can help prevent and reduce the occurrence of poor mental health, something that is rife in young people regardless.

This starts with us talking about Lipoedema, hearing about Lipoedema and in the education of front-line medical professionals like GP’s. 


To hear me speak with Daniel about Lipoedema and the importance of early diagnosis, please click the link below.
Spark FM Interview