Hot and Cold Stones

Hot Stones

Hot stones will take you to the next level of relaxation and healing.  The heat, combined with soothing massage strokes creates a muscle melting sensation, that eliminates congestion and tightness.

How will a hot stone massage benefit me?

  • Improve blood flow to tissues bringing oxygen and nutrients needed to relax and heal the muscle
  • Increases transport of toxins and waste from the area
  • Decrease blood pressure, stress, fatigue and tension
  • Decreases pain perception for example arthritic pain
  • Decreases muscle spasm and stiffness

Cold Stones

While not to everyone’s taste, the use of cold stones in a massage can be refreshing and healing.  Cold makes your blood vessels constrict and is traditionally used on injuries to help reduce swelling and bruising.  Used alternately with a hot stones however, which will open or dilate the blood vessels, the stones create a unique experience.

How will a hot and cold stone massage benefit me?

  • Alleviate swelling
  • Orbital decongestion – reduces puffy eyes
  • Sinus decongestion – alleviate sinus pain
  • Reduce tissue congestion
  • Decrease muscle spasm

If you have any questions please get in touch to arrange an informal chat. 

Click here to book your appointment